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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
February 9, 2010 6:00 pm
Town Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Commissioners Present:  Hovious, Barkman, Cramer, Kaley, and Wilson
Staff: Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Executive Session was moved to the end of the public meeting.

I.      Executive Session – was called to order at 8:30 pm

The public meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm

Item V1. 3. was moved to be first heard on the agenda.  

  • Correspondence – None
  • Public Participation – No public participation.  
IV.     Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Barkman motioned to approve the minutes of January 26, 2010.  Commissioner Kaley seconded the motion.  Motion approved the minutes unanimously as amended.

V.      Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates

Open Space Purchase Discussion and Resolution as Appropriate – No information.

Natural Resource Inventory Update – Commissioner Hovious noted that Mr. Sibley received an e-mail from Milone and MacBroom stating that they will be working in Newtown on February 27th.  The commission shared concerns over the lack of information from the vendor.

3.      Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

a.      Open Space at Commerce Road Update – Commission Hovious discussed the proposed tech park plans.

  • Open Space Use and Signage –. Commissioners Hovious, Wilson and Kaley marked the Grady property on February 3rd.  It was noted that in recruiting volunteers, it would be beneficial to ask for  volunteers to commit to a minimum of three marking events, mainly because of the learning curve that would be involved.  Also, each event would require a minimum of four volunteers, three for marking and one to fill out an inspection report.  The commissioners felt it is important to be able to use the Town’s GIS device to determine the borders, etc.  The next properties to be marked are Brook Heights/DeGraff, Reynolds, and Fulton.  
  • Geo-caching Policy Discussion – The commission discussed the possibility of creating a policy on geo-caching on open space property.  Commissioner Hovious stated that one website stated there are 1,390 geo caches in zip code 06470.  The decision has been tabled.  
  • Follow up on NFA Request on 21-2-18 OS – Commissioner Hovious e-mailed Guy Peterson from the NFA requesting that the resident interested in creating a trail should present his proposal to the Conservation Commission.
4.      Strategic Planning - Open Space Definition –.The commission reviewed the POCD open space list.

5.      Acquisition Strategies Tax Abatement Status – No Update.  

6.      Public Education Sub-Committee Report – No Update.

7.      Al's Trail Brochure and Routing – Commissioner Barkman stated that Parks and Rec. have been working on the removal of invasives along the trail.

8.      Hawleyville Transfer Station – Two letters have been sent to the DEP.

  • Tick-Borne Disease Action Committee – Commissioner Wilson updated the commission on the TBDAC and noted that the committee discussed having Commissioner Hovious speak during one of their meetings.  The commission discussed the correlation between Barberry and ticks.  Commissioner Hovious will draft an e-mail to the TBDAC for the commissioner’s review.
  • Proposed Open Space on Queen Street – No Update.
VI.     New Business

1.      Planning & Zoning POCD Meeting Report – Commissioner Wilson attended this meeting and stated the item has been placed on hold until the budget process is over.  

  • Trail Proposal Request Format Discussion –There is a walk scheduled for Saturday, February 13th at 9:00 am on the Pole Bridge property.  Everyone will meet at the entrance.
  • Conservation Easement Request for 9 Pecks Lane – Michael Buturla from The Huntington Company explained a proposal to expand a parking area, moving it five to ten feet closer to the existing conservation easement.  This is required by zoning regulations because of a proposed new building on the property.  The expansion of the parking area will require the construction of a retaining wall.  William Kenny (Soil Scientist) provided details of a man-made self-sustaining wetlands system they propose to build within an area that has had fill for many years and is currently void of trees.  He said the new wetlands system would be an environmental enhancement and will treat water run-off from the parking lot before it enters into the existing natural wetlands.  The proposed wetlands system will be 6” to 12” deep, the plantings will be native, and it will be monitored for invasive plant removal.  Commissioner Hovious said the original easement language will need to be reviewed.  The commissioners will visit the site.
The meeting went into executive session at 8:27 pm.